Looking to diversify your investments into property but feeling short on time or resources? We have the ideal solution for you.
We provide a diverse array of investment options, as illustrated by the two case studies presented below:
Example 1: A conversion project of a commercial building into six serviced apartments and two ground-floor commercial units. Upon completion, the apartments will be fully managed and operated as serviced accommodation.
An investment of £100,000 is required, with returns of £100,000 within 12 months and net cash flow of £13,200 per year from rental income. This provides a return of 100% and 50% net rental income after expenses.
Example 2: An opportunity for an angel investor to invest £60,000 for a 6-month period with a fixed return of £66,000, which translates to a 20% annual return on investment with minimal effort required on the investor's part. If this interests, please contact us for more details.
Ideal for individuals seeking a passive investment opportunity, this option provides returns of 10-15% over a one-year period, significantly higher than the average offered by traditional banks.
We propose partnering on projects that guarantee the return of investments upon completion, while also providing a steady monthly cash flow. One example of this type of deal is outlined above.
Our goal is to provide our investors with easy access to the lucrative opportunities in the Midlands property market.
We pride ourselves on offering straightforward and transparent investment products.
As we move into the year, we are poised to become a major player in the Midlands' high-end house-sharing market, delivering exceptional returns for our investors.